Candied Jalapenos Classic Fresh Purple Hull Peas Bacon and Tomato Macaroni Salad Instant Pot Green Beans, Potatoes and Andouille Grilled Squash with Herbs Southern-Style Baked Chicken Marinated Blue Crab Salad Sloppy Joe Bake Easy Spoon Biscuits Blackberry Crumb Cobbler Sheet Pan Panko Shrimp Spaghetti Recipe Roundup Creole Smothered Chops Garlic Butter Shrimp with Pasta One Pot Italian-Style Chicken Stew Baked Reuben Casserole

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One of my favorite kitchen gadgets - Fasta Pasta! I use this multiple times in a week, for pasta, for potatoes, even veggies! (affil link)


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If you don't already have an air fryer, this Copper Chef Crisper Tray is your solution for the oven. Measuring about 11" x 8", it's a handy size for a quick snack and because the air can circulate around the food, keeps food crisp!(affil link) shadowsockr安卓客户端

One of my favorite kitchen tools, I use this handheld vacuum sealer everyday for deli meats, cheeses, veggies and more! Love, love! (affil link)

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Love these measuring cups from Oxo. Read measurements right from the top, no bending, stooping or eyeballing - they're another favorite!

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If you have invested in a wood pellet smoker grill, grab this cookbook to keep it going all summer long! (affil link)

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Most times I cook for planned leftovers, but when it's just something quick & easy for the two of us, I have fallen in love with this indoor grill - even in the winter! It's an open grill, so no squished food, but has a hinged lid to keep things neat. (affil link)


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      • Classic Fresh Purple Hull Peas
      • Bacon and Tomato Macaroni Salad
      • Instant Pot Green Beans, Potatoes and Andouille

Featured Author
Mary at Deep South Dish
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"The most overrated ingredient would be filet mignon. It's one-dimensional. Give me a shoulder or a piece of chuck, and I'll give you something that's really rich in flavor." ~John Besh

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You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces – just good food from fresh ingredients. ~Julia Child

The classic southern plate for supper is made up of meat and three, cornbread or rolls & a tall glass of sweet iced tea.

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I think no matter what the occasion may be, you can never go wrong by showing up at the dinner table with a hot plate of fried chicken. ~Paula Deen

Cooking has always brought me a happiness that I didn`t think was available. I just fire up the stove, and things start to fade away. ~Paula Deen